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Winter 2023 Appeal


Dear Friend,

I am writing to share a child’s story with you. Can you imagine…having everything familiar become unfamiliar: your home, your family, your friends, and your belongings? How do you think you might feel?

This story is one that the children served by CASA of Lancaster and Lebanon Counties have in common.

I am a volunteer with CASA of Lancaster and Lebanon Counties. CASA stands for “Court Appointed Special Advocate." Simply put, I advocate for some of the most vulnerable children in our community. As a CASA, I have received extensive training, support, and mentoring so that I can show my CASA youth that I am truly “standing by their side."

Won’t you help me stand up for him?

That is what I am here to do - by testifying in court, by communicating with my child’s teachers, by meeting with social workers and healthcare providers - all those people who are part of his story. I am here for my child, to stand up and advocate for his well-being, his needs, his wants – his best interest.

As a highly trained CASA volunteer my one and only goal is to advocate for the best interest of my CASA child.

CASA of Lancaster and Lebanon Counties is a member affiliate program in both the state and national network of over 900 programs and I am proud to be a CASA serving our community’s children. I have taken an oath as a “friend of the court” to represent the best interest of children that come before the bench. I have been a CASA volunteer for 5 years and have put in countless hours learning about the legal system, reviewing court documents, writing reports, and most importantly visiting
with my child and being the most consistent person in his life.

You can change a child’s story today by making a gift to CASA!

Your gift will ensure that I, and my fellow CASAs, can be there to stand by our community’s most vulnerable children. CASA is a proven program that is implemented by trained community volunteers, but we are not able to advocate for all the children that need a CASA. Your financial help is necessary to reach ALL the children in our community that need us. The power of one caring adult with the power of your gift - will make all the difference so children don’t have to face challenges alone.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration,

Cathy Bonser
CASA Volunteer

PS - If you have recently given to CASA during the ExtraGive or as a monthly donor, thank you! Your gift makes all the difference in the lives of the children we serve and we are very appreciative!